Homeopathic Remedies for Hyperthyroidism

Lodium: Best Homeopathic remedy for Hyperthyroidism with quickweight loss
Lodium is one of the best natural Homeopathic medicines for treating Hyperthyroidism. This Homeopathic remedy is mainly prescribed for patients of Hyperthyroidism who lose weight quickly despite having a good appetite. Such patients need something to eat at very short intervals and always feel better while eating. Feeling excessive heat in body and wanting to stay in a cool environment are the other symptoms. Mentally the person is very anxious about present issues and not about future. Homeopathic medicine Lodium also works very well in relieving Hyperthyroid patients from excessive palpitations which get worse from even slight exertion. Extreme weakness is a common symptom described by patients and the weakness is mainly felt on going upstairs.
Natrum Muriaticum: Homeopathic remedy for Hyperthyroidism with irritability
Natrum Muriaticum is a natural Homeopathic medicine used for treating Hyperthyroidism mainly for patients who areirritated very easily and get upset over little things. The person remains depressed with weeping when alone and it always gets aggravated when someone tries to console. The persons requiring this medicine feel very hot and cannot bear the heat of sun. They suffer from severe headaches when exposed to sun. An unusual craving for salt in excess is always present in a person who is recommended this Homeopathic medicine. Another important symptom guiding towards using Homeopathic remedy NatrumMuriaticum is when a Hyperthyroid patient keeps on losing weight despite having regular and proper meals. The person looks very weak, especially around the neck region. The patient feels very weak especially in morning when in bed. The heart rate always remains on the higher side. This natural Homeopathic medicine can also help in regularising the menstrual cycle in women with Hyperthyroidism whose menses remain suppressed for too long.
Lachesis Mutus: Homeopathic medicine for Hyperthyroidism with extreme heat
Homeopathic medicine Lachesis Mutus is of great help for patients of Hyperthyroidism who sufferfrom the sensation of the body feeling extremely hot. Such patients cannot wear tight clothes and always keep their collars around the neck and the belt around the waist loose. For the prescription of this natural Homeopathic medicine, the mental symptoms that are usually considered are sadness with an aversion to do any kind of work. The person does not wish to mix up and wants to go somewhere alone. Excessive talkativeness is a leading mind symptom for the use of Homeopathic medicine Lachesis Mutus. It is also the Homeopathic remedy for women of menopause age suffering from Hyperthyroidism. The women complain of excessive hot flushes and palpitations. The menstrual flow is very less and the duration is also short. Feeling of wellness during menses is an important feature for its use in women. Another leading feature is complaint of pounding of heart or palpitations with episodes of fainting. Worsening of the condition during sleep is a prominent symptom for the use of this Homeopathic medicine in Hyperthyroid patients.
Phosphorus: Homeopathic treatment for Hyperthyroidism with extreme sensitivity, hairfall, feeling hungry after eating
Phosphorus is another top naturalHomeopathic medicine for treatment of Hyperthyroidism. This Homeopathic remedy is of great help for tall and thin patients who are very sensitive to external impressions like touch, odour, light. This Homeopathic medicine can be used for treating longstanding diarrhoea in patients of Hyperthyroidism. The patient complains of very profuse and offensive stool with weakness of extreme degree. Appetite of such persons increases and they feelhungry immediately after eating. Another sphere where this medicine proves to be useful in patients of Hyperthyroidism is in controlling excessive hairfall where the patient complains of falling of hair in bunches. Certain peculiar eating habits also give a hint in using this medicine in Hyperthyroid patients like a craving for meat, salty things, cold drinks and ice creams.
Conium Maculatum: Homeopathic medicine for Hyperthyroidism with depression
Conium Maculatum is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic remedy for patients of Hyperthyroidism who are very depressed and donot take any interest in work. The patient gets irritated easily and suffers from weakness of memory. This Homeopathic medicine works well for patients who experience trembling in hands along with perspiration on hands. Conium Maculatum is also a useful Homeopathic cure for menstrual problems faced by women due to Hyperthyroidism where the menses appear late and that too for a short time and are very scanty in nature.
Best Homeopathic remedies for Hyperthyroidism with weightloss
Homeopathic medicines Lodum, Natrum Muriaticum and Lycopodium Clavatum are natural remedies for overactive thyroid and are of great help to deal with the problem of weightloss in a patient of Hyperthyroidism. Lodum is also prescribed for patients who have an increased appetite and need something to eat every hour but still keep on losing weight. This is because of the increased metabolic rate due to excess thyroid hormones circulating in the blood. Such patients also feel extremely hot and always desire to stay in a cool place. Homeopathic medicine Natrum Muriaticum is ideal for anaemic persons who look weak and emaciated. They also go on losing flesh even if they are taking a good diet. The emaciation is mainly noted in neck region. The person requiring this Homeopathic medicine craves for extra salt in diet. Lycopodium Clavatum can help those patients in whom the emaciation due to weight loss is most marked in upper part of body as compared to lower part. Usually such patients have a craving for warm drinks and sweets.
Homeopathic medicines for heat intolerance in patients of Hyperthyroidism
The Homeopathic prescription for dealing with heat intolerance depends upon the totality of symptoms given by the patient and not on a single symptom. The natural Homeopathic remedies for overactive thyroid that can help in such conditions are Sulphur, PulsatillaPratensis and Lachesis Mutus. Sulphur is a top Homeopathic medicine for treating heat intolerance in patients of Hyperthyroidism. The patients requiring Sulphur feelexcessively hot mainly at the top of head and soles of feet. Such patients feel the need to put their feet out of the blanket due to intensive heat in the feet at night during sleep. An excessive craving for sweets may be present in patients in whom Sulphur is prescribed. Pulsatilla Pratensis is the Homeopathic remedy for patients who cannot tolerate excessive heat and always needcool open air to get relief. Absolute absence of thirst for water is an important symptom guiding towards its use. Mentally, the patient requiring Pulsatilla is of a mild nature and weeps frequently atthe slightest instance. Lachesis Mutus is the natural Homeopathic medicine for patients of Hyperthyroidism who experience heat flushes and cannot wear tight clothes. They always keep the neck collars and belt around the waist very loose.
Homeopathic medicines for menstrual troubles in women with Hyperthyroidism
Pulsatilla Pratensis is the top natural Homeopathic medicine to correct the menstrual irregularities in women suffering from Hyperthyroidism. This Homeopathic medicine is mainly given where the menses remain suppressed for long and if the menses are very scanty, along with severe pain in the uterus that makes the patient cry out. Women needing Pulsatilla usually crave for fatty food and have an absolute absence of thirst for water. Sepia Officinalis is also a very beneficial Homeopathic medicine for treating menstrual problems where the menses remain for a very short time, that too with slight bleeding. The presence of bearing down pains in uterus as if the pelvic organs are about to come out along with menstrual irregularities is an important symptom for this Homeopathic remedy.
Homeopathic medicines for diarrhoea in patients of Hyperthyroidism
Homeopathic medicines Phosphorus, Aloe Socotrina and Sulphur are very good natural remedies to treat diarrhoea in Hyperthyroid patients. Phosphorus is mainly given where the stool is excessive and offensive, along with extreme weakness. An excessive desire for cold drinks and ice creams is always present in patients needing Phosphorus. Aloe Socotrina is a natural Homeopathic remedy for patients who have to rush to the toiletto pass stool immediately after eating or drinking anything. And Sulphur is the preffered Homeopathic treatment for diarrhoea that is worse in the morning. The patients requiring Sulphur suffer from excessive heat in body and likesweets in diet.
Homeopathic medicines for treating palpitations and increase in heart rate in Hyperthyroid patients
Both Lycopus Virginicus and Lodum are excellent natural Homeopathic remedies to control palpitations and Tachycardia or increase in heart rate in Hyperthyroid patients. Lycopus Virginicus can help in cases where the pulse is very rapid and palpitations are felt due to nervous irritation. Lodum can help to control the palpitations when they get worse from least exertion.
Natural Homeopathic medicines for Goitre
The enlargement of thyroid gland is referred to as Goitre. Homeopathy has a wide range of natural medicines to treat Goitre cases. The selection of the medicine depends solely on the constitutional symptoms given by the patients. Homeopathic medicines Lachesis Mutus, Lycopodium Clavatum, Spongia Tosta, Calcarea Lodata and Fucus Vesiculosus are of great help in treatingGoitre cases. Lachesis Mutus works very well when the Goitre is left-sided. Patients requiring this Homeopathic medicine have difficulty in swallowing liquids while the solid food is swallowed easily. They also feel very hot. Lycopodium Clavatum is a Homeopathic remedy for swelling of thyroid gland on the right side. Spongia Tosta is recommended as a Homeopathic remedy if the thyroid gland is much enlarged, causing suffocating spells at night. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Lodata is used for thyroid enlargements occurring around puberty. Fucus Vesiculosus is the Homeopathic remedy for Goitre in obese people.
Natural Homeopathic medicines for Grave’s Disease
There are several efficient Homeopathic medicines to treat the patients of Grave’s Disease. For treating Grave’s Disease, a proper case study of the patient is required. Then follows a proper evaluation of the symptoms to select the ideal natural Homeopathic medicineto cure Grave’s Disease. Homeopathic medicine Lodum is mainly prescribed where the patient feels excessively hot and suffers from violent heart palpitations from even a slight exertion. An increased appetite where the patient feels the need to eat at very short intervals but still goes on losing weight is a very prominent symptom for this medicine use. Homeopathic medicine Lycopus Virginicus is also of great help in the treatment of Grave’s Disease. The patients requiring this natural medicine have protruding eyeballs. They also suffer from pounding of heart or palpitations from nervous irritation with an oppressed feeling in chest on the left side. The heart rate also goes up because of increased thyroid hormones circulating in the blood.