Restless Leg Syndrome (Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Medications, Home Remedies)

Restless leg syndrome is a condition marked by a strong urge to mover the legs along with symptoms of unpleasant sensations in the legs while resting and sleeping, for example, tingling, burning, and aching, while resting. The condition also causes leg pain and cramps. Symptoms of restless leg syndrome are aching and an urge to move the lower extremities It is suggested the main cause of restless leg syndrome is a problem using iron or the lack of iron in the brain.
Many conditions have been associated with restless leg syndrome because of the iron problem, for example, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy, kidney failure, Parkinson's disease, and iron deficiency.
Restless leg syndrome tends to run in families.
Restless leg syndrome frequency leads to insomnia.
Treatment and home remedies for restless leg syndrome include medications and home remedies to manage symptoms and leg pain, increase the amount and quality of sleep, and treat underlying medical conditions.
Home remedies for restless leg syndrome include
quitting smoking,
reducing caffeine,
weight reduction for the overweight,
quinine water, and
iron supplementation for those that are iron deficient.
Restless leg syndrome is generally not considered curable, but treatments can substantially lessen or eradicate symptoms. Other conditions that my mimic restless leg syndrome include poor circulation to the lower extremities, fibromyalgia, and neuropathy. What is restless leg syndrome (RLS)? Readers Comments 82 Share Your Story Restless leg syndrome (RLS, restless legs syndrome) is a common cause of painful legs. The leg pain of restless leg syndrome typically eases with motion of the legs and becomes more noticeable at rest. Restless leg syndrome also features worsening of symptoms and leg pain during the early evening or later at night. Restless leg syndrome is often abbreviated RLS; it has also been termed shaking leg syndrome. Nighttime involuntary jerking of the legs during sleep are also known as periodic leg/limb movement disorder.