How massage helped Taya relax

Taya has had clinical massages before that focused on reducing knots in her shoulders and neck.
However, during this massage, Taya states that she primarily needs some time to recharge, get centered, rejuvenate, refresh, and float away. Taya chooses the music and type of oil, and she and the therapist agree that the session will be for relaxation only, with no clinical techniques.
The therapist suggests that Taya stops thinking about all the things that need to be done, consciously set aside her to-do list, and focus on quieting her mind and relaxing her body by slowing her breathing. To facilitate relaxation, Taya and the therapist agree not to talk.
The massage therapist uses techniques typically used in relaxation massage, such as kneading and passive stretching of muscles in the neck and back, as well as gliding strokes on both the front and back of legs and arms.
At the end of session, Taya is revitalized and confident that she will be able to manage all her tasks before the wedding. To preserve her sense of peace and relaxation, Taya decides not to run errands right away, but to go straight home and relax.